Friday, September 08, 2006


Honestly I have this problem of sitting down to post something and thinking, "Well I only have a few minutes and that's not enough time to explain all that's been going on." so I don't post only to realize the next few minutes I get more has happened and so I have even less time and I don't post.

This is dumb and I'm just going to explain what's going on in the here and now and fill in the gaps as I go.

I was going to post something cute about my hostfamily drama, friends and traveling and general Japan-ed-ness, but it is WAY TOO HOT. I don't know what the hell is wrong with this country, but it was never this hot in Florida. If it was they were smart enough to use Air-conditioning. Apparently this is a no no here, no AC or atleast not enough to keep me from being lobster red and sweating my ass off. Seriously, they MAKE the airconditioners we use, why not yoink one from the ol' factory and USE the damn thing.

I had to run home from class because I tried to do the laundry this morning while my host mom was asleep and she showed me how to do it before, it involves putting in the laundry and hitting the button with the jibber-jabber that makes the inside of the laundry machine jump around. This sees how heavy the laundry is and then sets itself on how much of a load you have (it's waaaaaaay more specific than large, small and extra large) then you put in as much detergent as it tells you and then it gives you the amount of time it's going to take. Done. Simple.

Well I did all that and when I ran down to pick it up after the 36 minute wait, it was blinking "E4" at me and wouldn't do a damn thing past the first wash. So I reset it and waited somemore, I even was late to class and I couldn't get the damn thing to work. So, I labored over my dictionary for a short while and wrote a note to my host mom and left it where she sits at the table everymorning.

Yeah I returned at around 1pm to hang up the laundry to find that host mom was gone and she hadn't gotten the note. So my host sister and I fiddled around and I hung up washed, but very very rinsed laundry. I tried the fabric softener thing, but it doesn't appear to care, my Tofu Robot shirt is hating life and is lookig more and more like a mu-mu than a tank top. This is depressing.

Then I biked back and the AIR burned. Pat told me about this, but it HURT to breathe and there was no relief and going back to campus I have to go UP hills not down them. I also wore a skirt today and so I think mid-way back I stopped caring if my skirt was fluttering up. Damnit it was hot and I still don't care. I'm so tempted to rip the damn thing off right now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Alright. To begin with. Hey, I miss you. Hope Japan is still a small island country, filled with evil and goodness. Been thinking of you. I can't really relate all that has been going on, so I'll sum up in outline form.
I.) Puppy
A.) Sassaphrass
B.) Chewing
1.) Cables
2.) Clothes
3.) Everything
II.) Work
A.) Money
B.) Suck
III.) School
A.) Suck
B.) Suck
Other than that, bizarre things always happen here. Life is pretty good. I'm getting fat not on Atkins. Carrie is great. Parties here are pretty cool. I have no time to hang out with anyone. I almost built the bitch-god of computers, but declined because I don't have enough time to enjoy it.
Also, I really need to talk to you about me going to Japan later.