Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Hey Guys! Time to let you all in on the magic world of Manda's Japanese Valentine's Day! You see Valentine's Day is celebrated in Japan, but since this is Japan they can't make things simple so get ready for some confusion. Valentine's Day is today (Feb. 14) and if you're a girl and have a crush on a guy you go ahead and give him some chocolate. Not chocolate or sweets you buy in the store mind you, oh no chocolates you make. At Kiddyland (also known as the place with Hello Kitty stuff galore or where Manda spends most of her time and money) they sell little kits with pans, cake mix, frosting mix, etc. to make these things at home. Another important note is that Japanese kitchens do NOT include an oven. They have a toaster, toaster oven, a fish cooker and microwave, but nothing like an oven. So these little kits are for little cakes for toaster ovens, which takes me way back to my easy-bake oven days. Anyway once the said girl makes and gives her cakes/sweets to her crush the story doesn't stop there. Oh no, a month and a day later on March 15 is White Day. White Day is the day that if the boy likes the girl he gives her a gift of sweets in return.

This is how it's supposed to work, but there's variations on this and basically Valentine's day is just like it is at home with friends giving friends gifts, people going on dates and the rest of us sitting on the couch watching Walker Texas Ranger reruns on the superdrama channel at the dorm (it's the only English channel aside from CNN). What's funny is that you're supposed to give back to the person who got you something on Valentine's Day three times the amount when you give them something on White Day. This means that some people decide to give gifts on Valentine's Day for the sole purpose of getting more candy on White Day. There was only one example of this time, which was this crazy Japanese girl named Mayumi. She sat on our couch and asked us frank questions, such as turning to Drew and asking her if she's a lesbian. Then asking her again later and the next day. Drew is totally not a lesbian, but she can't live this down. It's too funny. Anyway, she was on the prowl trying to give out as much candy as she could so she could get more on White Day (she explained this to Tracey, that's how we know her true motivation) This lead to a game of cat and mouse on campus of Erica and I trying to avoid her for fear of getting caught and being forced to give candy on White Day just because she wanted us to, not because we wanted to. Thankfully it was 5:30pm and we were done with all our classes when we went down to the foreign students' mailboxes when low and behold Mayumi was waiting. Thankfully for me she didn't remember my name and didn't have a gift for me, but Erica wasn't so lucky. The other twist here is that Erica got candy from her Teachers all day but being vegan she can't any of the chocolate if it isn't black because of the milk. Drew reaped the benefits of being with her off and on today and getting to eat all her candy.

How did I spend my Valentine's Day? Pretty tired, I was up late on Valentine's Day Eve because I all of a sudden had some sort of maternal instinct kick in. I biked to Hirakata-shi to save the 440yen in bus fare and I figured I needed the exercise. Once downtown I got supplies to make a cake for Alex and some little Tiramisus for the girls, yarn for Drew's present, and to drop off my registration for my alien card. On the way back I stopped at a market that was selling vegetables super cheap. I'd bought some curry packets before except I didn't have the veggies you need to make curry for curry rice (You make curry like a stew and put it over some white rice, I loved it at home stay). This market was selling most vegetables for 100yen a piece or so I thought. I tried to pick out two carrots when they explained it was 100yen a basket for the carrots! Everything looked fresh and in the end tasted wonderful. I was able to get 1/3 a daikon (HUGE white radish), a head of lettuce, three carrots and 9 small potatoes for 380yen (like $3.50). It was awesome and cheap since I only had 1000 yen on me! :) I got home exhausted and cooked up two pots of the two different types of curry, sweet and medium. I had to read the instructions and realized once I got home that I'd misread the ingredients already. I didn't need the daikon or lettuce, but I needed onions. ;___; I totally screwed up and was worried I couldn't make it up without the onions and I knew the closest store was closed (it closes at like 6, it was 6:30pm) and plus I was tired. While I was debating on my mishap my Dutch roommate Myrthe was around and after hearing my problem gave me two small onions which worked perfectly! I was making two pots since I didn't know how to make small portions and so I was making it for the whole flat and so Myrthe got an extra helping and an IOU for some onions. After much chaos of boiling water, cutting veggies, getting the Japanese rice cooker to work, translating instructions, swearing and getting the curry to thicken I had two pots of curry enough rice and a few hungry roommates willing to try my cooking.

Everyone survived and actually really liked it! Success on many levels and if I can find the packets at an Asian market in the states I can officially add another item to my ever expanding culinary repertoir: grilled cheese, tacos, scrambled eggs, shake and bake, and now curry rice. ;) My adventures in the kitchen didn't end there. I stayed up in the hopes that my roommates would go to bed, but Drew and Tracey stayed up until 1am and I just gave in and started on their Valentine's Tiramisu while they were awake. The instructions were far more confusing, but I got most of the way through ti with no problem. Until it came time to start assembling and I realized my little pack didn't come with the clear plastic strips that you make into cones and set in the little tray making a cup to put the tiramisu parts in so it looks pretty and perfect when you're done. So I resorted to using our clear glass cups and started on the whipped cream. Here I misread the instructions and added the egg whites and sugar BEFORE I whipped the cream, which made it not whip at all. Thankfully I had enough cream and egg whites to start again, but no sugar. I whipped it up and then tried adding some of the previous unwhippable cream so I could get it semi-sweet. It worked out pretty good and the end results looked edible. Plus the little bits I tried were good so I put them in the fridge made up little valentine's labels with their names and a note and went to bed at 3am. I wanted to get up at 8 and set them out on the table for them to find that morning, but my alarm went off and I was to tired to get up so when I did get up at 10AM only Myrthe got to see the final product. Later that night though everyone ate them for dessert and said they were really good. Yeay again! I know what you're thinking, Erica can't eat that because she's vegan, which is true. To fix that little problem I got her a handkerchief with her favorite character (relax bear or Rillkuma in Japanese) and put a bar of black chocolate in there.

The fruits of my labor!

After going to bed at 3, I got up to a super rainy day and a vocab quiz. I biked to school holding my umbrella (mad bike skills and now I live in a neighborhood so biking isn't as dangerous as before Mom and Dad) and aced the quiz. From Japanese class at noon I had everyone of my classes in a row, after Japanese it was Struggle for Justice where we built our imaginary nation's laws, Japan and it's World and then Death in East Asian thought which ended at 5:30pm. I got to bike home in a little drizzle and chat with Erica. Once I got home I did some homework, cleaned up, and reheated some curry. The only thing else that's excitement is that our garbage didn't get emptied by the cleaning ladies for a few days so it smelled BAD and made the whole flat smell awful. Erica's solution was to take the bag out and put it the hallway. I've been on edge all night fearing Okaasan's inevitable arrival to give us crap, while Erica looks forward to the challenge and Tracey just wants some drama because she's bored. These are the people I live with.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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